Friday 3 May 2013

Jordan !!

Hello!! This blog is about Jordan, which is an Arab kingdom in the Middle East, located on the East Bank of the Jordan River, & extending into the historic region of Palestine. Jordan borders Saudi Arabia to the south & east, Iraq to the north – east, Syria to the north & Palestine to the west.  The capital of Jordan is Amman.

Jordan has plenty of great places to visit if you ever get the chance to visit it. These places include: Petra, The Dead Sea, Hammamat Ma'in (Ma’in spa), Jerash, & Aqaba Gulf. 


Petra is one of the current Seven Wonders of the World, it is famous for its rock-cut architecture & water conduit system. Another name for Petra is the Rose City due to the colour of the stone out of which it is carved.

Once a visitor enters Petra the only methods of transport allowed within Petra are walking or riding a camel, donkey or horse. This is done is order to preserve the architecture inside.  

When I went to Petra my family & I chose to walk, which in my opinion it was worth it as we got to see all the small details between the rocks, which otherwise we would have missed. 

When we visited we stayed at the Marriott hotel. It was a nice hotel that was not cheap or expensive. It also had a great view & in general was a comfortable hotel to stay at, however, I would not recommend paying too much detail to hotels when visiting Petra, as it’s the architecture & sighting you should focus on. 

For more information about Petra:
& for more information about the Marriott hotel: 

The Dead Sea: 

Another great place to visit in Jordan is the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea is the lowest point in the world at 394.6m below sea level. The water in The Dead Sea is extremely salty & it is the second saltiest major body of water in the world. The Dead Sea’s name is derived from the fact that the water is far too salty for marine inhabitation. 

In the dead a person can float with ease due to the hypersalination of the water. In fact it is nearly impossible to sink. 

The mud along the shore of the Dead Sea contains many minerals & it has medical & therapeutic benefits. In fact many visitors cover their body with the dark mud. 

The water at the Dead Sea has a greasy feel to it & it is advised to wear waterproof sandals as the salt is very jagged & can easily cut your feet. & wear goggles as the salt in water stings & causes pain if it comes in contact with the eyes. 

For more information about The Dead Sea:

Hammamat Ma'in (Ma’in Spa):

Another great place to visit in Jordan is Hammamat Ma'in. What is great about Hammamat Ma'in is the amazing waterfalls it has. The water there is rich in minerals which leads it to always being naturally hot. 

When I visited Hammamat Ma'in I remember it had water falls ranging from extremely hot, to warm & to cold. It was great to sit under the waterfall & the water felt like it was giving you a massage. 

Hammamat Ma'in, has plenty of hotels. The hotel I stayed at while visiting was the Movenpick Hotel. Which is a great hotel & it had parties & shows at night. 

For more information about Hammamat Ma'in:


Jerash is also a great place to visit in Jordan. Jerash is a city in northern Jordan & it is famous for its Roman ruins. The archaeological site is popular to tourists & it is the second most visited spot in Jordan next to Petra being first.

In Jerash there are plenty of great sites to see & it also has a small souq (which is outdoor shops) just outside of the archaeological park. & from those shops you can buy Jordanian souvenirs & handicrafts. 

Every year in Jerash, the Jerash Festival is held. The Jerash festival is one of the world’s liveliest & most spectacular cultural events. The most famous singers from all over the world attend the Jerash festival as well. 

For more information about Jerash:

This was my blog about Jordan, I hope it was informative & gave you useful information about Jordan & encouraged you to visit it one day.
Thank you!! Natalie ~

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